Total sailed : 14,984 nm
Sailed 2021 : 3,937 nm
Sailed 2022: 2,626 nm
Sailed 2023: 4,193 nm
Season 23/24: 2,027 nm
Season 24/25:
Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be
just a dream and the wind to carry me

Who would have thought that 50 years ago that we would be starting an adventure like this?
In 2 different countries 2 souls were captivated by the World Atlas’ that were sitting at our bookshelves.
There were maps of the stars and our galaxy, physical geography maps of every country in the world, maps of ocean currents, what animals that could be found at different water depths, concepts of geology and so much more that we would spend hours browsing over the pages.
Pouring over these maps at an early age directed our different professional lives with the same link: a desire to see and experience as much as the world had to offer.
A working life time accomplished and many countries visited either professionally or for leisure, but there was still a lot left to do and some of the most exciting places yet to be experienced.
Our hearts still wanted to go to The Galápagos Islands, to visit the South Pacific and many of the island archipelagos. We want to dive and explore the coral reefs to fish, to sail, to swim.
The big question was how to do it on our budget and in the years ahead of us.
The way forwards appeared to us in 2017. We somehow ended up on the last leg of the World Arc, from Grenada to St Lucia. Spending 2 weeks on the Skylark with Dan and Em. Here we met many world cruising sailors- and what was surprising was that they were all “just ordinary (and extraordinary) people” with the same thoughts and desires as ourselves. We did not know that this trip was the seed that was planted to start our own adventures of sailing around the world and a way of achieving our hearts desires.
For 2 years we looked at potential boats. The budget seemed to increase as we learned more and more of what we thought we needed. Finally in 2019, just after my official retirement, we found our sailing boat waiting for us in our Dutch hometown Medemblik.
Alongside many Contest Yachts at the Contest brokerage, our Swedish beauty was calling our names. The CR48 DS, beautifully finished, hardly used and itching for the right people to come along and take charge of her.
We sailed for 6 weeks in 2019 until the Northern European weather broke and there was nothing left but rain. We made one trip from Medemblik to Harwich in the UK and some trips around the IJsselmeer to become acquainted. Here we experienced our first nights of sailing as we played cat and mouse with a large number of ocean going freighters that had passed through, or were going to the English Channel. This busy seaway was an experience in itself !
Bad weather and a few teething problems was a good reason to put the boat into winter storage and get the small problems fixed. Our boat went back home to the warmth of the Contest dry storage.
Meanwhile, to keep our mum’s and families as a part of this adventure, we decided on 2 things:
To register the boat in Cowes under a UK flag
To name to boat after our mum’s. D, from Diny, Ingrid’s mum and Eva from my mum gave us Deva, and from this we came to “Ocean Deva”, the sailing boat that would take us to the remaining 4 corners of the world that we still want to visit.
Covid 19 has put a small spanner in our plans as we expected to be sailing in April 2020. But we have used our time to prepare with Yachtmaster Theory, VHF Radio license and some practical Diesel Engine Maintenance.
Our first baby steps of adventure are starting on the 10th July 2020 as we are back onboard our Ocean Deva.
Follow us for updates to our adventure on this site and associated links. We would also love to hear from you and have you with us to share our journey of a lifetime.